Bald Hill Lookout

 General Site Rules   

Public and Pilot safety is of primary concern. Conduct all operations with this in mind.     

The following rules have been put in place to provide for this concern. Local advice in respect to flight operations and conditions of the day can help you fly safely and comply with these rules. If you would like advice on any matter relating to Club or flight procedures on the hill, please speak to either the onsite Duty Pilot, Safety Officers and or local Flight Schools.    

  1. Requirement for a Duty Pilot    

A Safety Officer or one of the experienced pilots present should be appointed as Duty Pilot whenever:   

    • it is a weekend or public holiday, or   
    • pilots preparing to launch have requested one, or   
    • Supervised Pilot Licence holders are operating, or   
    • there are pilots launching down slope in strong winds – “Spotter is Required”   

   The Duty Pilot shall undertake to:    

    • oversee operations at Launch – First-Aid Kit in lock-box / Defibrillator at the Café/toilet block   
    • if necessary, appoint a deputy duty pilot to oversee the landing area/s   
    • regularly monitor conditions and consult with local pilots to assess the continuance of operations.   
  1. All pilots that fly at Bald Hill Stanwell Park must be able to provide on request evidence of current SAFA membership AND be either a financial member of FlyStanwell or of another NSWHPA affiliated club.  
  1. Bald Hill Stanwell Park is an INTERMEDIATE/PG4 rated site – (refer table below).   
    • Supervised Pilots may only fly if a Duty Pilot or advanced pilot is appointed to oversee their operations and sign their logbook.    
    • Student pilots may only fly if under the direct supervision of their instructor.   
  1. First time flyers at Bald Hill Stanwell Park are required to undergo an induction to the site. Such an induction should be sought from a local on-site Club officer or flight school.   
  1. Official Launch and Landing zones have been designated for this site. These zones must be used whenever launching from Bald Hill or landing on the Stanwell Park Beach or Top Landing areas. Please familiarise yourself with these zones before you fly.   
  1. The official Launch and Landing areas should be clearly defined to the public prior to launch, for all flight operations.   
  1. SAFA regulations for flight operations must be observed at all times.   
  2. All pilots must wear helmets – this is a requirement of our licence.  
  1. All Paragliders must be fitted with a connected and operating speed system.   
  2. All pilots are recommended to have UHF radio when flying away from the immediate launch area.   
  3. All pilots (members and Visitors) must post their intended launch time on the clubs’ ‘FlyStanwell – Ready2Fly’ WhatsApp group prior to flying.  
  4. There is a NO FLY ZONE, which covers the Car Park and grass area to the Point, (the area known as The Saddle), and over the East Launch.   
  1. Tandem flights are NOT allowed to top-land and must land in the beach landing zone.    

Please familiarise yourself with the names and zones on the site maps before take-off.   


Procedures of Operations   

Pre-Flight Requirements  

Civil Aviation Order 95.8 requires all pilots to maintain separation distances of 100 feet vertically and 25 metres horizontally from a public road, persons other than those persons directly associated with the flight operation at the launch and landing sites, or a dwelling except with the permission of the occupier. Only CASA is able to vary this, and special conditions will apply to any area where a variation has been authorised. The conditions for the use of landing areas detailed in this procedures manual form the basis of such a variation.   

The variation to CAO 95.8 provides for hang gliders and paragliders, which are landing in the designated areas at Stanwell Park Beach to operate closer than 25 metres from public roads and the public so long as those operations are conducted in accordance with this local procedures document. Both the Sports Aviation Federation of Australia (SAFA) and FlyStanwell will encourage pilots to comply with, and actively enforce these conditions as part of our licence agreement.   


Pre-Flight Requirements                                                  NSWHPA affiliated club. Pilots may be

All pilots flying from this site must be members of prevented from launching if on request, they fail both the SAFA and FlyStanwell, or of another to provide evidence of these memberships.   

All pilots should be encouraged to familiarise themselves with the zones depicted in the photos and diagrams within this manual and on signs around the site before taking to the air.

Requirement for a Duty Pilot :

A Safety Officer or one of the experienced pilots present should be appointed as Duty Pilot whenever:   

  • it is a weekend or public holiday or   
  • whenever pilots preparing to launch request one or   
  • Supervised Pilot Licence holders are operating or   
  • There are pilots launching down slope in strong winds with a Spotter   

The Duty Pilot shall undertake to:   

  • oversee operations at Launch.   
  • if necessary, appoint deputy duty pilots to oversee the landing area(s).   
  • regularly monitor conditions and consult with local pilots to assess the continuance of flying operations.


  • All pilots must wear a helmet.   
  • All Paragliders must be fitted with a speed system.   

Training or Tandem Operations Launch and landing areas must be clearly marked before the commencement of operations. No top landings for tandem flights.   

Supervised Pilots are required to:   

  • fly with a coloured streamer.   
  • identify themselves to the Duty Pilot prior to launching.   

Student Pilots:   

  • must fly under the direct supervision of an instructor.    

‘The Point’. Main launch at Bald Hill shown here with gliders being laid out.

   : NO FLY ZONE over car park and main launch area   

  : 25 metre line and East Launch shown   

   : Set-up and launch area  

 : Landing zones  

   : Spotter positions   



Procedures of Operations

Flight and Launch Procedures  

Flight Procedures

  • All pilots ready to launch should give way to any pilot flying in the vicinity of the launch area.
  • All pilots should give adequate separation to any pilot flying with a red/yellow streamer indicating their student or supervised rating.
  • All pilots must fly clear of the launch area.
  • There is a NO FLY ZONE, which covers the Car Park and greass area to the point, the area known as The Saddle, and over the East Launch.
  • Other than while on approach to landing within the designated zones of Stanwell Park, normal SAFA rules and provisions of CAO 95.8 shall apply.

Launch Procedures 

  • Pre-flight equipment checks are essential. Establish which landing area is suitable for the operations. If the choice is top landing then ensure it is marked out as required prior to launch (See Landing Procedures for details).
  • All new pilots to the site must seek local advice before launch. Persons not associated with the activity of hang gliding or paragliding should be cautioned to stay clear of the launch area while launch preparations are underway.

* For all winds from SSW to ESE

  • Use the main launch area known as The Point. This is the grass area directly out front of the main Car Park.

* Easterly conditions

  • Use the East launch beyond the Café block.

Once launched and while in-flight retain safe separation from the launch area to allow others to launch in safety.   


Landing Procedures  

Landing Procedures   

Final approach and landing operations must be carried out with public safety as the prime concern. All landing approaches should be made in the “hang” position indicating the intent to land. Only suitably certificated or endorsed pilots may perform top landings.

Bottom Landings   

Pilots must be able to land in the dedicated landing area, and may approach as conditions dictate.  

For all bottom landings in Stanwell Park:  

  • Use the main landing area, known as ‘The Chute’. This is the area of sand next to the northern lagoon between the park and the beach.
  • An Emergency Landing area is also available at the far southern end of the beach. 
  • All pilots must clear the landing area as soon as possible after landing. 
  • Paraglider pilots must collapse their canopy immediately after landing as an inflated wing represents a collision hazard for other landing pilots.  


Bottom Landing area of  Stanwell Park   


 Landing is in the sand area between the park grassland and the beach

There is a buffer zone (shown here as strips on the grass). This buffer area is for the final approach only. No landings are allowed on the grassed area of the Park

The emergency landing area is indicated at the southern end of the beach   



Top Landing Procedures  

Top Landings   

Top landings may only be attempted by pilots who:  

  • hold an Intermediate/PG4 Paraglider certificate, or   
  • hold an Advanced Hang Gliding certificate, or,   
  • can provide their signed log book with endorsement for top landing at Stanwell Park, or   
  • are under the guidance of an instructor during the landing.

Southerly Top Landings   

  • Use the area known as The Strip. This is the grassed area to the west of the Monument. Lines on the grass from the monument to the cliff edge designate the separation of the landing area from the launch area of the Point.  

NOTE: Tandem flights NOT allowed to top-land.  

The Strip shown with approach

Warning Note the cloud formation on the Point – a common occurrence in Spring and Autumn. This can often lead to total white-out within minutes.

Easterly Top Landings    

  • Use the same area as the Easterly Launch, beyond the café/toilet block. The signs above the café/toilet block designate the boundaries of the landing zone.   
  • Approach to Landing must be made to touch down below the grassed launch area.   
  • Any approach over the café/toilet block or car park must be avoided.   
  • Intention to land must be indicated to alert those on launch.   

Warning – there are hazards presented by the café/toilet block on landing approach.

NOTE: Tandem flights NOT allowed to top-land.  


Rules of the Air